Library Assistant

Female Library Assistant



Bachelor's degree in relevant field

Minimum of five years' experience in a school library


The Main Duties

  1. Comply with the school's mission, philosophy, system, and educational approach, and to implement such objectives throughout their duties
  2. Adhere to the school rules and regulations regarding the school library and library books which are based on the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education.
  3. Create and develop a learning atmosphere that supports the learning of students and teachers.
  4. Maintain a clean and tidy school library.
  5. Provide and index educational and scientific books and references that meet the needs of the students and teachers.
  6. Receive updates from the faculty members on the books and references that the school library must obtain to support the staff’s’ professional development.
  7. Assist teachers in lessons whether their taking place in the library, or to find the lesson-related books and references.
  8. Contact publishers and bookstores regarding events and functions that might be useful to the school community.
  9. Establish a database that includes a variety of article and published materials that teachers can use a teaching aid.
  10. Submit the library new-additions list to the Private Education Division
  11. Categorize and index the library items according to Dewe Decimal Classification system and enter their information to the library computer program, to make them available for borrowing.
  12. Announce the new additions to the school library
  13. Implement the school borrowing process.
  14. Submit the monthly-achievements report to the Head of library
  15. Teach students library research skills and how to use the library effectively.
  16. Apply the school procedures regarding lost/damaged library books and items.
  17. Perform the annual inventory in June.
تاريخ النشر: ٢١ يناير ٢٠٢٥
الناشر: LinkedIn
تاريخ النشر: ٢١ يناير ٢٠٢٥
الناشر: LinkedIn