
  • Assisting the medical team by maintaining a detailed record of every patient that includes signs, symptoms, and vital health parameters.
  • Work with colleagues to keep the workplace clean, sanitized, and free of contaminants.
  • Deliver timely doses of relevant injections, medications, or drugs to patients with utmost care and accuracy.
  • Maintain necessary precautions to safeguard all health information of patients and the organization.
  • Provide detailed documentation of the care services offered to a patient since the onset of the treatment.
  • Work with the medical staff and doctors to provide excellent healthcare treatment for patients.


  • Established track record of working as a nurse in a recognized hospital.
  • appropriate medical qualification from a recognized, reputable institution.
  • Excellent in communicating with patients and other medical staff and understanding the need of a particular situation.
  • Excellent organizational skills with a keen eye for managing assigned duties with utmost sincerity.
  • Caring and compassionate nature.
  • Remarkable ability to collaborate with colleagues to enhance the hospital's services.
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: Today
Publisher: Bayt